Legal Protection

  1. The AFRICAN EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION GERMANY e. V. grants free Assistance in form of Legal Counsel to its Members. The individual Members of the AFRICAN EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION GERMANY e. V. receives a legal-Protection according to Legal-Protection-regulation’s Resolutions of the Boards of Directors and the Jurist- Council in regulation that by the termination of Membership with reference to Section § 10d of this Statute, shall not participate therein.
  2. Legal Protection in this context is the Legal- Counsel and the Proceedings- of- Legal- Protection in the frame of the Rule of Law, under the Consideration of existing Legal counsel regulations.
  3. Legal- Counsel includes any written or oral counsel or letting of any Legal-counsel, any Legal-Information, or the issuing of any expert analysis on Legal Matters depending on the Choice of AFRICAN EUROPEAN CO-OPERATION GERMANY e. V.
  4. The Proceedings- of- Legal- Protection includes any Legal Representation, or legal soliciting of an individual Member in any Court-of-Law Proceedings, and every other Proceedings concerning Legal Protection of an individual Member with all its necessary employment.


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